Tuesday, August 26, 2008

African Safari - Tanzania

The lion king!

Snaps by:
Phivos Kyriakides
Writes from
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
An African safari evokes mystery, wonder and above all esle, adventure!

Any idea on what happened in the end?

O αδιαμφισβήτητος βασιλιάς Λιοντάρι!
Του: Φοίβου Κυριακίδη
Γράφει από την Αντίς Αμπέμπα, Αιθιοπία

Το Αφρικανικό σαφάρι προσφέρει πολλές συγκινήσεις, εκπλήξεις, μυστήριο, αλλά πάνω απ' όλα περιπέτεια!

Μπορεί να φανταστεί κανείς, τι έγινε στο τέλος;


  1. Oh Wow!!!! the lion actually tore the tyre apart?!

  2. τιιι.....δε θελω ουτε να σκεφτομαι πως μπορει να ήμουν μέσα σε αυτο το τζιπ!!!...καταπληκτικές οι φωτο
    ....μα τι εγινε μετά; :)

  3. Magiceye NAMASTE! Just returned from beautiful India! Thank you for your comment! Your blogs are just excellent.

  4. Cook τι έγινε μετά; Μα απλώς τα λιοντάρια έσπρωξαν το τζιπ στο πιο κοντινό συνεργείο! Cook σ' ευχαριστώ.

  5. i'm not sure if i can still drive after looking at that powerful bite!

    beautiful capture! :)

  6. big cats! i love love love big cats! even when they ate the tire! i added you to my links.

  7. Welcome back, Philip! Hope you had a good holiday.
    I lived in Kenya for two years and the pictures you show here look SOO familar!

  8. Ipanema. Since you are a good driver I suppose, there is no bloblem for you to drive under this situation...

  9. Prinsesamusang thank you for adding my blog to your links. Be sure that I'll do the same for you.

  10. A World in a PAN. Thank you Laura. I had a good holiday indeed.

  11. Wait...did I previously say that I wanted to go to Africa? LOL! I might have to give it a little more thought...
    Great, great pictures!

  12. Cheryl jambo (hi in Swahili). Don't worry about your trip to Africa. Everything is safe. The most dangerous animal in the planet is the... human being...

  13. χαχα...καλα ζωακια τα λιονταρια!

  14. Cook. Πολύ καλά ζωάκια τα λιοντραράκια, φτάνει να μην είναι πεινασμένα...

  15. WOW!! What amazing shots these are!! Thanks for sharing!!
