Monday, August 4, 2008

The European Travel Agent's & Tour Operators Association

ECTAA, which regroups 29 national associations of travel agents’ and tour operators’ associations in Europe, has elected Mr. Akis Kelepeshis as President of the European association. Mr. Kelepeshis will chair the association for the period 2008-2010. Mr. Kelepeshis is Managing Director of one of the largest tour operators in Cyprus. In 1996 he was elected Secretary General of ACTA, the Association of Cyprus Travel Agents, and subsequently served in ACTA as Vice-President. Since 2005 he is acting as President of the ACTA Board of Directors. ECTAA
Akis Kelepeshis in the Sunrise Beach of Protaras area, enjoying some of his limited, free time.
A cute photo with his pretty daughter Andry.

Νέος πρόεδρος των Ευρωπαίων Ταξιδιωτικών Πρακτόρων και Διοργανωτών Ταξιδίων (ECTAA), ο συμπατριώτης μας, Άκης Κελεπέσιης.

Ο κ. Κελεπέσιης εξελέγη πρόεδρος της ECTAA και επίσημα για την περίοδο 2008 - 2010, στο 97ο συνέδριο της Ένωσης που πραγματοποιήθηκε στη Σόφια στις 27 και 28 Μαΐου 2008. Η Ένωση των Συνδέσμων των Ευρωπαίων Ταξιδιωτικών Πρακτόρων και Διοργανωτών Ταξιδίων, εκπροσωπεί 29 εθνικούς συνδέσμους ταξιδιωτικών πρακτόρων και διοργανωτών ταξιδίων στην Ευρώπη.

H πανέμορφη Άντρη Κελεπέσιη.


  1. really cute photos. love the beach.

  2. Lawstude. Thank you for your kind comment.

  3. Hi, Phivos:
    Such gorgeous pictures of friends on holiday! Best to your family.

  4. Hi Nancy,
    So glad to hear from you. Some of us are still on holidays.
    Warm regards from hot Cyprus!
    Hope you won't miss the island!
