Sunday, February 1, 2009

Xingang harbour in China

We are not in Antarctica neither in Alaska!

Elena & Maria
Write from Athens, Greece
View their website: Syntageskardias
All pictures were taken yesterday on freighter ship which belongs to the company I work. The ship left Singapore on the 14/1/09 and travels to Xingang harbour, in Northern China, where is expected to arrive on 27/1/09 and from there will continue to Taiwan.
The weather conditions during the trip were severe. Pictures speak for themselves.

Δεν είμαστε στην Ανταρκτική, ούτε στην Αλάσκα!
Έλενα & Μαρία
Γράφουν από την Αθήνα
Δείτε την ιστοσελίδα τους : Syndageskardias
Οι φωτογραφίες που θα δείτε τραβήχτηκαν από ένα πλοίο της εταιρείας στην οποία εργάζομαι και είναι χθεσινές.Το πλοίο έφυγε από την Σιγκαπούρη στις 14/1/09 και πηγαίνει στο Xingang, στην Β. Κίνα όπου θα φτάσει στις 27/1/09 και από εκεί θα συνεχίσει για Ταϊβάν.Στη διάρκεια της διαδρομής του αντιμετώπισε τα καιρικά φαινόμενα που θα δείτε.

Αλλά, ας αφήσω τις φωτογραφίες να μιλήσουν από μόνες τους.


  1. Oh My horrendous is way would I want to be working on there!!!

  2. definitely one of the most dangerous journeys on earth.

  3. the weather really is crazy these days----must be very cold there----the view is pretty amazing---maybe scary too when you are the one riding the tanker~~~~

  4. Anne in Oxfordshire. A unique situation Anne!!

  5. PUSANG-gala. Very scaring even if you travelling with others on board!!

  6. Quite something! But very beautiful!!! I love the elements and as long as you don't end up in serious trouble, I think, they really make you feel alive!
    Still, I've been on ships during severe storms, even here in Europe it can get quite bad and there were definitely some times, where I thought, we were gonna get shipwrecked... or the sea would just swallow the entire vessel... so i don't really envy the crew onboard that ship!
    best wishes, sarah sofia

  7. Sarah Sofia Ganborg. After your own experience on this situation, you can better evaluate the whole matter!! I wish you to have always ejoyable trips in your life!

  8. Wow, that looks cold! But, what wonderful photos. I wouldn't have had this experience if you didn't have this wonderful blog! :)

  9. Cheryl. Thank you my dear friend for your kind and generous comment!
