Monday, August 10, 2009

Rethymno, Crete, Greece

Beauties of Greece

Snapshots by
Aphroditi Kyriaki
From Athens, Greece
View her website: Remendios

Rethymno, a beautiful city of approximately 40,000 people, is located in the largest of the Greek islands (8300 km2) and one of the most popular resorts, Crete.

Rich in ancient history, culture and tradition. The variety of landscape and due to its mild climate and its long summers, attracts a lot of visitors year round.

Ομορφιές της Ελλάδας
Ρέθυμνο Κρήτης

Το Ρέθυμνο είναι η πρωτεύουσα του νομού Ρεθύμνης της Κρήτης.

Με πλούσια ιστορία και παράδοση, λόγω του ωραίου κλίματος ελκύει πολλούς επισκέπτες καθ’ όλη τη διάρκεια του χρόνου.

Αφροδίτη Κυριάκη Remendios


  1. Your photos are amazing. I've traveled a lot, but never to Greece.
    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. GutsyWriter. I thank you too and I do hope we can keep in touch! It's about time to visit the 'basic' and 'Go back to the beginning', as many of Western traditions we hold dea started in Greece.

  3. Nice one...
    The lamp and the creeper together in the second shot is too good... Loving it.. :)
    My Travelogue

  4. these are gorgeous photos and your music is beautiful. I want to go back to Greece. Such a wonderful place. You have evoked the feeling and spirit of Greece. thanks!

  5. Aphroditi takes great photos...thanks for sharing these with us. Everything looks so beautiful.

  6. I have not visited your blog for a long time yet, but this is so far my favorite pictures of all! So romantic, picturesque and so beautiful!;))

  7. What absolutely gorgeous corourful little houses. Idyllic :) And picturesque, like Protege says ^.

  8. I have always want to travell to Creek.
    Dont no why, but I had the same feeling when I was in Ireland.
    Like I have live there in "some other life"...
    Okay, I AM little weard person :)

  9. Uups... I mean Creece!
    My english is not so good...

  10. Great pictures .. I feel like sitting at that table !

  11. @ Mitr - Friend. Simply, the one is better than the other!!

    @ Julie I wish you to visit again the place of Gods! I'm glad you like the music. I'm open in suggestions to improve it! Any particular song?

    @ Cheryl. Everything is beautiful including Aphroditi herself!!

    @ Protege. You are too romantic, that's why you should live in Greece!!

    @ Rita. Are you romantic too Rita? I guess yes, (kyllä)!!

    @ Arjaanneli. Terve, hi! Your english are better than mine. The reason why you always want to travell to Creek, is because of the Greek Myth!!! Live your myth in Greece...

    @ A World in a PAN. No wonder why Laura, as always, you prepare excellent tables with amazing food!

    @ Baron's Life. I thank you very much. I share this award to all my friends! ALL without exception. This is me my dear friends.

  12. Beautiful architecture. These photos really show the culture of the city.

  13. Janie. You are right Janie. The photos show the culture and the history of the place.

  14. Phivos your publication is a big surprise for me !!!
    Rethymno is one of the most beautiful place in Greece and my favorite town ... the atmosphere there is realy magic.
    Thank you all of you and specially you Phivos.
