Friday, October 30, 2009

The spectacular city of Paris, France

Snapshots by:
Leesa Garcia
Writes from Paris, France
View her website: News from France

Paris is one of the most spectacular cities in the world containing a wealth of history and culture.

Eiffel Tower.

The Basilica of Sacré-Coeur is probably the second most popular tourist church of Paris, after Nôtre-Dame Cathedral.

From left to right, here are Andrea, Leesa, Anne, and Dawn. Photos supplied by Kim @ Sassiland.

Jardin de Luxemburg

We had the opportunity to meet up with a favourite blogger (Alisa from "Notre Vie Jutuse") who was visiting Paris... We made or way over to our fav. spot- Le Loir .... in the Marais and had a nice time together. (Picture: from left Alisa, Barbara, Leesa and Dawn).

Le jardin du Luxembourg is probably my favourite place in Paris.

Me, Noëlle, Linds, Susan and Cyr.

The gardens are a fantastic place.

Lindsey, me, Dianella, and Noëlle

Hahn at Parc de Sceaux.

My friend Lindsey (from San Diego) in a warm hug.

Alex in the town's neighbourhood "junkyard sale" -- I mean... swap meet... hehehe....

Here we are on the Seine at Pont Sully.

It's our "spot" for picnics when the whether is nice and the days are long! It's a great way to get together and socialize and enjoy both music, dance and the boats the go by on the Seine!

Dawn, me and Anne.

Παρίσι: Ομορφιές από την Πόλη του Φωτός
Leesa Garcia
Γράφει από το Παρίσι
Δελιτε την Ιστοσελίδα της:
News from France

Η Παναγία των Παρισίων.

Η εκκλησία Sacré Coeur.

Πανοραμική άποψη του Παρισιού.

Από αριστερά η Lindsey, Leesa και η Noëlle...

Το Παρίσι εντυπωσιάζει...
Από Αριστερά η Barbara μαζί με τη Dawn.
Συγκροτήματα ιστορικών κτιρίων.
Τι να φωτογραφίσεις και τι ν' αφήσεις πίσω...

Το Παρίσι που λάμπει με τον πολιτισμό και την ιστορία του.

Οι καταπράσινοι κήποι, Jardin de Luxemburg.

Η Barbara και ο Alex.
Στους κήπους Jardin de Luxemburg.

Το Παρίσι που δεν μπορείς να ξεχάσεις ποτέ...


  1. Thanks for this post Philip....Memories ..very good memories. I miss my friends and I miss Paris, great seeing the places we went again!!

  2. It's so nice to see beautiful Paris enjoyed by good friends. I love the picnic spot!

  3. Very nice photos. I have never been to Paris, but some of your photos give me a good idea of what it might be like. How exciting.

  4. Hello,Phivos!

    It is so nice to see you'r beautiful photos with so nice places...Great shots...

    Have a great day,


  5. @ Anne in Oxfordshire. I miss too my friends and Paris, dear Anne!

    @ Cheryl. I agree with you dear Cheryl. I like the picnic spot!

    @ Much2ponder. Exciting things in life must be explored. Get ready for a trip to the city of lights!!

    @ Irina. Salut dear Irina and thank you very much for your kind words!

  6. I love and miss Paris very much. Thank you for the beautiful pictures. I could almost smell the city again!

  7. Presbyterian Gal. I love and miss Paris too. Thank you L.J. for your kind comment and the lovely card. Best regards and wishes too!

  8. Gorgeous post! Magic Paris, beautiful photos.. dream..
    Thank, Phivos

  9. Gvendalen. Spacibo, thank you so much dear Elena.

  10. Hi Philip!

    What a fantastic surprise to find this post! I feel very honored... I showed the pictures to Alex and LIndsey!

    We just got back yesterday from Madrid and Lisboa... And this morning, we're off to Italia! Can't wait!

    You can see my pics of Spain as I post them on my vacation blog... It was very beautiful and I hope to go back to visit both countries a bit more!
    Take care and big hugs to you guys...

  11. Leesa. It is always my pleasure to include your travelling pictures and owtherwise to my blogs! Take care and have fun!

  12. i don't travel in Paris never but now I want to do it.

  13. Wonderful friend and great pictures of Paris. We always have a good time with Leesa!
    Have a great day, Brigitte
