Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Kozani, Greece

Kozani Apokries/Carnival 2010

Snapshots by
Cheryl Chatzis
Writes from Thessaloniki, Greece
View her website: Rice, beans & pastichio

Typically, I take hundreds of photos and it's hard for me to choose which ones to share. We were met by the first of many travelling bands accompanied by dancing men. I love this!

And naturally, all of us had to try on the wig. In fact, it caused a bit of a problem...

The first parade float...a giant cigar-smoking cupid.

A "big wig" enjoying souvlaki as he walks in the snow.

The streets are full of costume shops and all of them have funky mannequins modeling carnival accessories.
This is what it looked like as we ventured out to watch the parade. What a difference a few hours can make! It's the same street that I had photographed early that morning.

These women were having so much fun. They would run out into the street and dance during the parade. Their enthusiasm was infectious! Children dressed as Christmas trees. The snow was a great prop for this costume.

Back to the carnival... Fanoi were lit on Saturday and of course there was live music and dancing around the fire.

A crowd gathers in the center to enjoy the live entertainment.
These bands have been parading through Kozani for the entire week, from morning until night.

A little snow doesn't bother me and I still enjoyed dancing around the fire.

The bands have been parading through Kozani for the entire week, from morning until night.
My favorite part of carnival every year is watching dancers in traditional costumes. I love the festive atmosphere.

There was a giant green gummy bear. If you don't know this annoying gummy bear by now, here's a link to a video. The kids love this bear and can play the gummy bear song for hours. It's torture.

Myself with my little blondes!

Αποκριά 2010 στην Κοζάνη
Γράφει η Cheryl Chatzis
Από τη Θεσσαλονίκη
Δείτε την ιστοσελίδα της: Rice, beans & pastichio
Ο Κώστας έτοιμος να παρακολουθήσει τη τη μεγαλειώδη παρέλαση αρμάτων και ομάδων μεταμφιεσμένων στην Κοζάνη.

Χρώματα, μουσική, χορός και κίνηση, άρματα φορτωμένα τη λαϊκή έμπνευση και την τοπική παράδοση και χιλιάδες καρναβαλιστές γεμάτοι κέφι και διάθεση για ξεφάντωμα.

Το αποκορύφωμα της Κοζανίτικης Αποκριάς, όπως κάθε χρόνο, είναι το άναμμα όλων των Φανών το βράδυ της Κυριακής.
Λένε πως το Κοζανιώτικο Καρναβάλι είναι αλλιώτικο από τα άλλα!

Αυτό που γίνεται στην Κοζάνη τις Αποκριές είναι το κάτι άλλο!

Η πόλη της Κοζάνης είναι φημισμένη για τις αποκριάτικες εκδηλώσεις της, που συνεχίζουν αναλλοίωτα τα παλιά έθιμα.

Οι "φανοί", οι μασκαράδες που περιφέρονται σε όλη την πόλη, οι λαϊκοί οργανοπαίκτες και οι μπάντες στους δρόμους, το κρασί, τα "κιχιά" και τα κεράσματα σε όλους, η έντονη σκωπτική διάθεση και η καθολική συμμετοχή στα δρώμενα, είναι τα χαρακτηριστικά των αποκριάτικων ημερών.

Τσέρολ, Φώτης, Ισαβέλα και Αλεξάνδρα απολαμβάνουν όλοι μαζύ τη μοναδική μαγεία του Καρναβαλιού στην Κοζάνη.


  1. I love the 12th pic, it feel your tipical instrumental music in my ears! You Greeks, you know how to be happy, dance and dring from morning until night! I love your habits.

  2. Looking forward to see the next post 2! Hihi

  3. Enjoyed all the pictures!
    Thank you!

    Margie :)

  4. Phivos,

    ευχαριστώ πολύ!

    Thank you so much :) It looks great. I always love how you put together collages. You really put a lot of work into your posts and it shows. Your efforts are always greatly appreciated and the kids love looking at themselves on a blog that's not my own. They still ask about you & Popi as they haven't forgotten how kind the both of you are.
    Thank you.
    The Chatzis family sends hugs & kisses, big & little from Thessaloniki to Cyprus!

  5. @ Yara- I'm glad you liked the pictures. Have a nice day :)

    @ Silverbeige- I'm glad the my photos brought music to your ears. Although I'm not Greek, I've enjoyed adopting some of the great habits you've mentioned over the years! :) Have a great day!

    @ Kata- The next post should be interesting. Have a nice day :)

    @ Margie- It pleases me that you've enjoyed my pictures. My blog is full of them, please visit if you have the chance. Have a great day!



    ΦΟΙΒΟ ΦΙΛΙΑ!!!!!

  7. πολύ όμορφα. μπράβο σας

  8. Τι Λωζάνη τι Κοζάνη!

    Χμ! εκεί κρύβεται ο Κώστας, λοιπόν...

  9. I can not believe it snows in Greece too.;) Great pictures.;)

  10. Great picures! :)
    An colorful adventure.
    This post makes me happy! :))

  11. looks like so much fun! :)
    have a lovely week, xoxo

  12. @ ELENI- Συμφωνώ, η Θεσσαλονίκη ήταν όπως το Λονδίνο σήμερα το πρωί.

    @ Vaggelis- σε ευχαριστώ! Have a great night!

    @ JamanFou- μόνο για το Σαββατοκύριακο, θα ήθελα να τον κρατήσει στη Θεσσαλονίκη :):)

    @ Zuzana- Yes, it snows in the mountains & northern Greece. The kids loved it since it doesn't usually snow seaside, where we live. I'm happy that you enjoyed the pictures, thank you. Have a good evening.

    @ Ida- I'm glad that my photos made you happy. Please feel free to visit my blog for more happy pictures. :)

    @ Susan- Thank you. We had a fantastic time in Kozani.

  13. Wonderful shots of Carnival. Beautiful.

  14. Rajesh- Thank you for the compliment!
