Monday, April 12, 2010

TopKapi Palace, Istanbul, Turkey

Snapshots by Phivos Nicolaides

The Topkapı Palace in Istanbul, was the official residence in the city of the Ottoman Sultans for 400 years of their 624-year reign, from 1465 to 1856.

The Tower of Justice next to the Imperial Council hall. The tower is the tallest structure in the palace, making it visible from the Bosporus as a landmark.

Topkapi Palace was included as a World Heritage Site in the UNESCO list in 1985.

Today the palace is a major tourist attraction.
The passion of tulips by the Sultans is very well known…

The Imperial Gate.

The Harem opened to the public in 1960.

Topkapi Palace was more than just the private residence of the Sultan and his court. It was the seat of the supreme executive and judiciary council, the Divan and the training school, the Palace School.

Topkapi Palace was converted to a museum in 1924, by the order of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

The former Imperial Treasury houses the armory collection today.

Our tour guide Sophia Xanthopoulou (holding the yellow umbrella) was experienced, highly informative and very helpful.

Church of Agia Irene in the first courtyard, leaving to believe that somewhere here was the grand Byzantium palace…

The Conqueror's Pavilion houses the Imperial Treasury.

Magnificent views anywhere you look. The best view for the Sultans…

At the upper terrace with fountain and Baghdad Kiosk with the panoramic view of Bosporus.

Tourists queue up in a line to visit the palace.
Looking for the Harem? Among the girls there were mainly four different classes: Odalik (servant), Gedikli (sultan's personal servants; there were only twelve of them), Ikbal or Gozde (those were Favorites who are said to have had affairs with the sultan), Kadin or Haseki Sultan (wives giving children to the sultan). When the Haseki Sultan's son ascended to the throne, she was promoted to Valide Sultan. She was the most important woman. After her, in order of importance came the sultan's daughters. Then came the first four wives of the sultan who gave birth to children. Their degree of importance was in the order in which their sons were born.

Resting in the beautiful imperial gardens of the palace.

As you are exiting the palace through the Imperial Gate you face the Blue Mosque.

Topkapi Palace is one of the highlights of Turkey.
The tour is over, time for a fresh orange juice, just outside the Top kapi.

Τοπ Καπί 
το Παλάτι των Οθωμανών στην Κωνσταντινούπολη
Του Φοίβου Νικολαΐδη

Το παλάτι Τοπ Καπί στην Κωνσταντινούπολη ήταν η επίσημη κατοικία των Οθωμανών Σουλτάνων για 400 χρόνια από τα 624 χρόνια βασιλείας τους μεταξύ 1465 και 1856.

Το Τοπ Καπί συμπεριλήφθηκε στη λίστα της ΟΥΝΕΣΚΟ για την Παγκόσμια Πολιτιστική Κληρονομιά το 1985.

Το ανάκτορο προστατεύεται με τείχη (28 πύργοι και 3 πύλες) μήκους 5 χλμ. και είναι κτισμένο σε μια τεράστια έκταση. (Στη φωτογραφία τα βασιλικά μαγειρία).

Οι τουλίπες ήταν τα αγαπημένα λουλούδια των Σουλτάνων. Το 1856 ο σουλτάνος μετακόμισε στο ανάκτορο Ντολμά-μπαχτσέ.
Ο πανέμορφος ναός της Αγίας Ειρήνης, βουβός μάρτυρας ότι κάπου εδώ βρισκόταν το μεγάλο παλάτιο των Βυζαντινών…

Η Αγία Ειρήνη στην αυλή του ανακτόρου Τοπ Καπί και στο βάθος η Αγία Σοφία…

Σήμερα στο μουσείο του Τοπ Καπί φιλοξενούνται πλούσιες συλλογές έργων τέχνης με σπάνια αντικείμενα, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του γνωστού μεγάλου διαμαντιού.

Το ανάκτορο έγινε μουσείο το 1924 από τον Μουσταφά Κεμάλ Ατατούρκ.

Κάθε σουλτάνος, πρόσθετε και κάτι στο συγκρότημα κτιρίων. Έτσι, το ανάκτορο δεν είναι ενιαίο κτίριο,  αλλά ένα συγκρότημα αποτελούμενο από πολλά κτίρια. (Στη φωτογραφία το κτίριο που ήταν το θησαυροφυλάκιο).
Εξαιρετική θέα από το προαύλιο των ανακτόρων.
Ο Βόσπορος στα πόδια του Σουλτάνου...
Εδώ φιλοξενείται και Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο της Πόλης (ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα αρχαιολογικά μουσεία του κόσμου). 

Μακέτα του συγκροτήματος των ανακτόρων.
Άκρως δημοφιλές μνημείο και μουσείο, προσελκύει εκατομμύρια επισκεπτών το χρόνο.
Ολοταχώς προς το Χαρέμι… χωρίς φερετζέ!
Χαρέμι θα πει «απαγορευμένο». Μα δεν ήταν μόνο τα δωμάτια όπου ήταν περιορισμένες οι οδαλίσκες. Στα χαρέμια των σουλτάνων ζούσαν εκατοντάδες γυναίκες: σύζυγοι, ερωμένες, η μητέρα τους, οι κόρες τους, άλλες συγγενείς, σκλάβες και φυσικά ευνούχοι.
Από τα σημαντικότερα αξιοθέατα της Πόλης.
Στους εκπληκτικούς κήπους των ανακτόρων γεμάτους λουλούδια και δέντρα.
Ο χώρος είναι απέραντος και χρειάζεται και ξεκούραση στα ενδιάμεσα.
Στην Πύλη της εξόδου αντικρύζουμε το Μπλε Τζαμί.
Έξοδος από την Αυτοκρατορική Πύλη...
View Video: TopKapi Palace


  1. Incredible photos once again. Thank you for the break-down of a Harem, very interesting indeed!
    Have a great week!
    Hugs from Thessaloniki!

  2. Gosto muito de visitar esse blog e conhecer o mundo atrsvés das fotos maravilhos que voce coloca para colorir a nossa vida.

    Eu que mal conheço o meu país, por falta de condições financeiras para dispor nessas viagens lindas, acabo sonhando com seus lugares visitados como se estivesse estado lá também.

    Só posso agradecer pela oferta das informações e fotos para todos.

    Beijos, e beijos.

  3. Gosto muito de visitar esse blog e conhecer o mundo atrsvés das fotos maravilhos que voce coloca para colorir a nossa vida.

    Eu que mal conheço o meu país, por falta de condições financeiras para dispor nessas viagens lindas, acabo sonhando com seus lugares visitados como se estivesse estado lá também.

    Só posso agradecer pela oferta das informações e fotos para todos.

    Beijos, e beijos.

  4. fotos lindas. um paraiso esse palacio Topkapı . eu ja li romances que a historia se passava em instambul e era tudo muito bem descrito. achei uma cidade envolvente. fiquei maravilhada em ver agora aqui no seu blog.. esses sultões sabiam mesmo o que era bom.. beijos querido.. uma semana abençoada

  5. Olá Felipe,

    Estamos aqui no Rio de Janeiro tristes com os fatos da última semana.

    É até bom vir aqui e ver esse lugar lindo, essas fotos magnificas, faz alegrar o coração.

    Obrigada amigo Felipe.


  6. I am so glad to see that wheather permitted you for a sunny tour in the palace. I always find it a very nice place to visit. Did you have the time to visit the nearby Archeology Museum? There was a special exhibition there.

  7. Inspirational post again.Thank you rakas Phivos.I like the watcing these photos,so beautiful.

  8. Χαράμ – χαλάλ: δύο αντίθετες αραβικές λέξεις.
    Να υποθέσω πως από δω προέκυψαν οι λέξεις χαράμι και χαλάλι?
    "Ούλλα χαλάλι σου…"
    "Χαράμι να σου γίνουνε χαράμι…"

  9. Χαράμ – χαλάλ: δύο αντίθετες αραβικές λέξεις.
    Να υποθέσω πως από δω προέκυψαν οι λέξεις χαράμι και χαλάλι?
    "Ούλλα χαλάλι σου…"
    "Χαράμι να σου γίνουνε χαράμι…"

  10. What can I say? The place is beautiful as well as the people, yes I like to travel but I have to explore my country first before I going out to explore other countries. Your country is indeed on my bucket list. Thanks for the visit Phivos.


  11. Very beautiful photos!!!

  12. What a lovely place! Beautiful photos!

  13. Aν μ'αρέσουν τα ταξίδια λέει?????? ΤΡΕΛΑΙΝΟΜΑΙ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Είμαι φαν!!! (..κι εδώ!)


  14. Your tours are both educational AND fun!

  15. thanks for giving me another wonderful mini-vacation! photos and commentary are fabulous.
    love your many places to visit!

  16. Beautiful shots. The palace is beautiful and grand.

  17. Nice pics!! I would like to visit Istambul! thanks for sharing!! kisses

  18. Φοιβο, σευχαριστω γιαυτη την ωραια
    Το ποστ σου αυτο με κανει να επισκευθω την Ιστανμπουλ πιο γρηγορα απο'τι φανταζομουν.
    Εχω εργασιες με μαστορους στο σπιτι γιαυτο αργησα να σου απαντησω.
    Καλη μερα!!
    Κ πολλους, πολλους χαιρετισμους.

  19. It really is wonderful place and your photos are just great, interesting and inspiring.

  20. WOW!!!! I would LOVE to visit Turkey!!! Can't wait!

  21. Uau!!! Que espetáculo!!! Adorei a viagem. As fotos estão lindas.

  22. Amazing photos as always!! Hope u are having a lovely wk xx

  23. An interesting reportage with beautiful photos.

  24. You were lucky. I was there 2 years ago but with not so good weather conditions. You have taken amazing photos. Constantinoupolis is a special place, the centre of many civilizations.

  25. that was a lovely tour of topkapi palace. thank you

  26. Thank you for stopping by my blog and for following me! Yes, I love traveling though it is something that I don't get to do often enough. I visited Turkey 4 years ago and absolutely loved it. Two weeks was not enough time to see the country but I enjoyed every moment of the trip. Looking forward to following your blog.

  27. Wow!

    Very nice all these photos!!I was here last year and I found these places very interesting...Great work to share as all these beautiful photos!!

    Have a great day,


  28. quite imposing structures and gr8 fotos of this place, truly magnificent,
    but the place is just filled with tourist! so hard to get a foto without anyone's head coming out! haha.
