Sunday, June 13, 2010

Alexandroupolis, Greece

Beauties of Greece
Snapshots by Phivos Nicolaides

Alexandroupolis is the capital of the Evros Prefecture in Thraki. In the 19th century and early 20th century, Alexandroupolis was known as Dedeagatch (Turkish: Dedeağaç), meaning «tree of the grandfather».
The name was based on a local tradition of a wise dervish having spent much of his time in the shade of a local tree and being eventually buried beside it. (Photo: The lighthouse is considered to be the most characteristic symbol of Alexandroupolis. It was built in 1880 and it served Alexandroupolis until 1973).
It is 840km far away from Athens, 350km from Thessaloniki, 43km from the border with Turkey and 300km from Constantinople.
Τhe main city had 60.000 inhabitants and the metropolitan population is estimated at around 70,000 inhabitants.
Situated in the northeastern part of Greece, Alexandroupolis is a city of beautiful landscapes and antiquities that date back to the Paleolithic era and up to the time of the Roman conquests.
Alexandroupolis, is located very close to Delta of Evros river, which is a very important place - from ecological side - and the spa of Traianoupolis.
Around the city there are small fishing villages with a unique natural beauty sourrounding theme.
Ethnological museum of Thraki, in its neo-classical buildings in Alexandroupolis, built in 1899.
Popi and Chryso inside the Museum which displays and preserves traditional items of cultural importance of the region, including dresses, household, agriculture instruments, photos and many other objects.
The city of Alexandroupolis follows quick rhythms n the financial development.

Despo, Popi, Chryso and Phivos Kyriakides sitting next to the sea with a great view. It's worth sitting outside in one of the coffee shops to get a flavour of the atmosphere
Look at the face of this charming lady and you'll understand why. She is reading  "The First Immortal: A Novel Of The Future...
Alexandroupolis is a vibrant city with a thriving cultural life with talented and beautiful people.
Modern structures and buildings in the city center. The area combines the sea tourism with the spa tourism and also the eco tourism.
Shopping (a woman's love) can be fun...
Αλεξανδρούπολης, η όμορφη αποκάλυψη
Του Φοίβου Νικολαΐδη

Η Αλεξανδρούπολη, πρωτεύουσα του νομού Έβρου, στην εσχατιά του Ελληνισμού προς τα βόρεια της χώρας, παραμελημένη για χρόνια, ήταν για μένα μια ευχάριστη έκπληξη, μια συναρπαστική αποκάλυψη. (Φωτο: Σήμα κατατεθέν της πόλης ο μεγάλος και επιβλητικός φάρος, που έκτισαν οι Οθωμανοί Τούρκοι το 1880 και χρησιμοποιήθηκε μέχρι το 1973).
Με πείσμα οι κάτοικοι της προσπαθούν να αναπτύξουν την πανέμορφη περιοχή τους, η οποία από φυσικές ομορφιές κατέχει ιδιαίτερη θέση στο ελληνικό οικοσύστημα.
Εκείνο που εντυπωσιάζει είναι η ζωντάνια της πόλης και των φιλόξενων κατοίκων της. 

Πανέμορφες παρουσίες με χάρη και κομψότητα.
Με πληθυσμό που υπερβαίνει τους 60.000 κατοίκους, η πόλη της Αλεξανδρούπολης έχει ζωντανή καλλιτεχνική και πνευματική ζωή, αλλά και χώρους διασκέδασης.
Μέχρι το 1919 ονομαζόταν Δεδέαγατς στα τουρκικά (Καλογερόδεντρο), γιατί ένας από τους δερβίσηδες, που από το 15ο αιώνα είχαν ιδρύσει ένα μοναστήρι στην περιοχή, συνήθιζε να ξεκουράζεται στη σκιά ενός μοναχικού δέντρου.

Το 1919, μετά την οριστική της απελευθέρωση, η πόλη ονομάστηκε Αλεξανδρούπολη προς τιμή του βασιλιά Αλέξανδρου και όχι, του Μ. Αλέξανδρου, όπως λανθασμένα, νόμιζα.
Αξίζει να επισκεφθείτε το Εκκλησιαστικό Μουσείο, το Ιστορικό και Λαογραφικό Μουσείο, το Μουσείο Χλωρίδας και Πανίδας 'Εβρου και το Εθνολογικό Μουσείο Θράκης.
Χρύσω, Φοίβος Κυριακίδης και Πόπη στο Εθνολογικό Μουσείο που φιλοξενείται σ' ένα όμορφο νεοκλασικό κτίσμα του 1899.
'Ομορφα, καλαίσθητα κτίρια της σύγχρονης πόλης. Παράδοσης και νεωτερισμός, πόλη που τη συμπαθείς από τη πρώτη ματιά.
Αλεξανδρούπολη, μια πόλη με σπάνιες φυσικές ομορφιές, που ζητά με πείσμα το δικό της ρόλο στη χώρα. Μια 'ανοιχτή αγκαλιά' στραμμένη στο πέλαγος. Επιτέλους, η Ελλάδα δεν είναι μόνο η Αθήνα...


  1. Olá, amigo!
    Essa cidade é linda...
    As fotos também são lindas!!!
    Gostei mais das fotos que tem mar, melhor oceano...

  2. Φοίβο
    πρίν μια βδομάδα είμουν στην Αλεξανδρούπολη.
    Καλά να είσαι.

  3. another fabulous mini vacation!!! thank you my friend !!

  4. Beautiful place, very scenic. The sculptures are wonderful.

  5. When I saw the title, I thought I would be take back to the times of Alexender-But then it was lovely to see the town and the photographs.

  6. Βεβαίως και Ελλάδα δεν είναι μόνο η Αθήνα!

  7. Interesting report from less known parts of Greece. I love the yachts on one of the pictures!

  8. It really is a lovely town with so many beautiful places worth to be seen.

  9. Wow! Your snapshots are beautiful!


  10. Greece is fascinating! A must- see place to visit.
    Than you for sharing Phivos.
    Enjoy a great week.

  11. Altri bellissimi posti da scoprire! grazie ancora

  12. Que visitante mais simpático e agradável é você meu amigo!
    Nossaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,meus Blogs nunca foram tão elogiados (rsrs).Fiquei muito feliz viu?
    Amigo, você me fez duas perguntas não foi?A primeira delas , como consigo dar conta de tantos Blogs? pois bem , eu me casei muito cedo, meus filhos (três) todos casados vivem suas vidas e como trabalho só um expediente, me sobra tempo para o bel prazer - eu sou caseira,minha vida é muito simples, curto filmes,livros e meus amados Blogs. A segunda pergunta foi de qual deles gosto mais- O meu xodó é o Blog do jardim .Infelizmente estamos vendendo nossa casa e vamos morar em apartamento snif, snif... mais uma razão para aumentar o carinho por ele , pois assim ,vou continuar possuindo meu jardim mesmo que virtualmente.

    Seu Blog é muito lindo também.Eu amei o cataventos e suas fotos são belassssssssssssssssss... -dá uma vontade louca de conhecer essas maravilhas. Amei o labrador do seu filho.Eu amo cachorros.
    Vou voltar para ler seu Blog com calma . Um grande abraço!!!!!

  13. Que lugar lindo.

    As fotos magnificas.

    Quem derá poder passear por tão bonito lugar!


  14. Looks beautiful, makes me want to go there.;)

  15. Όμορφη πόλη, συχνά παρεξηγημένη!
    Ωραίο το οδοιπορικό.

  16. Όμορφη πόλη… για βόλτα στη θάλασσα ή για ψώνια…ένα είναι σίγουρο – θα περάσεις καλά!!!

  17. Greece is place of pleasure and its my utmost pleasure to come across your magnificent travel blog. You gotta nice shots around the country and this is really beyond appreciations.

  18. The beaches are lovely in this modern city. Great photos!
