Friday, June 11, 2010

Thessaloniki, Greece

Beautiful region of Thessalonki (Salonica)
Η πανέμορφη περιοχή της Θεσσαλονίκης

Snapshots by
Cheryl Chatzis
View here website: Rice Beans & Pastichio
Here's a structure that we drive by quite frequently. I've been told that it's an old monastery that has burned down. I don't know what it was officially though. Each time we drive by the kids ask about it and want to stop to take a look around. So, one afternoon last month we had time to explore what remains of the monastery. The area is called Epanomi.
Δεν ξέρω τι ακριβώς είναι αυτά τα ερείπια. Κάποιος μας είπε ότι ήταν παλιά μοναστήρι που κάηκε. Κάθε φορά που πάμε προς τα εκεί, το περιεργαζόμαστε. Έτσι κάναμε και τον περασμένο μήνα με τα τρία παιδιά μου. Η περιοχή λέγεται Επανομή.
This photo was taken from what I believe was the interior of the building.
Αυτό που φαίνεται ίσως να ήταν το εσωτερικό του κτιρίου.
Toward the back of the structure.
Η πίσω πλευρά του κτιρίου.

There's a small shrine on the property which captured the curiosity of my little ones.
Το όμορφο εκκλησάκι που προσέλκυσε την προσοχή των παιδιών μου.
Inside of the structure. 
Στο εσωτερικό της καταστκευής.
Pretty purple wildflowers.
Πανέμορφη ποικιλόχρωμη φύση.
There's a fig tree toward the back of the structure. 
Η όμορφη συκιά που βρίσκεται δίπλα στα ερείπια.
The chamomile is growing freely and it smells absolutely wonderful... 
Το χαμομήλι που μεγαλώνει από μόνο του και μυρίζει υπέροχα...
At the seaside of Epanomi.
Στην παραλία της Επανομής.
Early one morning I saw a flock of seagulls along the beach so I stopped to take some photos.
Νωρίς το πρωί είδα μια αγέλη γλάρων στην παραλία και σταμάτησα να τη φωτογραφήσω.
It was noisy and exciting near the shore, I ended up spontaneously taking a great walk. 
Ήταν όμορφα και θορυβώδη δίπλα στην ακτή. Κάναμε και ένα ωραίο περίπατο.
Deep blue waters of the Aegean Sea in the Mediterranean Sea.
Το υπέροχο γαλάζιο του Αιγαίου Πελάγους και της Θάλασσας της Μεσογείου.
A small colony of seagulls.
Μια μικρή αποικία γλάρων.

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  1. Hi Philip...

    I think my friend's father is from here and she visits every year.. I'll check with her.. Have a great weekend!

  2. Olá...meu amigo...
    Que vontade de para longe...quando visito o teu trabalho...!

    Um belo e harmonioso final de semana!

    Nirma Regina

  3. Thank you for this wonderful jaunt to such an interesting place. The pictures are wonderful, and I especially admire the one of the boats in the blue sea (and the top image of you, too, is beautiful).

  4. Lovely pictures, esp. this with the boat at the seaside

  5. Coisa linda de lugar e fotografias também.. Vontade de ir até aí. Montão de bjs e abrAÇOS

  6. The little girl is so adorable, she nows how to pose in front of the camera too.

  7. Love the shots with birds flying, beautiful place.

  8. Looks like a great adventurous place.
    Great shots.

  9. Πολύ ωραίες οι φωτογραφίες…
    Καλό Σαββατοκύριακο!

  10. Olá amigo, vim te agradecer pela visita e elogio ao meu BLOG, marcar a minha presença no teu mundo e também desejar um belo final de semana.Voltarei para conhecer com calma as belezas daqui.
    Um grande abraço!!

  11. @ Leesa...let me know too! :) Have a great weekend!

    @ A Arte Dos Livres Pensadores...Thank you. :)

    @ Lydia...Thank you! I'm glad that you've enjoyed my photos. Thank you for the kind compliments. Have a great weekend!

    @ Ola...I'm glad you like my photos. Have a nice weekend :)

    @ Elaine Barnes...thank you. :)

    @ chubskulit...Thank you! Alexandra is our little diva & loves to have her photo taken. Have a wonderful weekend! :)

    @ John...I'm happy that you like the shots. Thank you. Have a nice weekend :)

    @ Indrani...every day is an adventure here, that's for sure. It's a wonderland for our children. Enjoy the weekend.

    @ Elena...Σας ευχαριστώ! Καλό Σαββατοκύριακο ~

  12. Phivos...THANK YOU!! Once again, a fantastic presentation of my photos & post! Have an amazing weekend!

    Thank you! Hugs from Thessloniki :)

  13. These are so sweet and lovely photos.
    I like:)

  14. Fabulous shots, Phillip! I like the ones with boats and seagulls the best.

    You have a wonderful family and i wish you more travel fun!

  15. What a beautiful place! Love all your pictures especially the one with the flock of birds and red boat. Great captures as always. thank you for sharing.

  16. I've long wanted to visit Greece, Phillip. Not mentioning my desire to reach Cyprus, too. :-)

  17. That would be great. Did I ever tell you that I am a fan of Greek mythology? Another reason why I enjoyed this post of yours among the others. They take me to places. Have a nice day ahead, Phillip! :-)

  18. Wow! Gorgeous photos!
    Especially loving the harbor pics!


  19. Bonito trabajo el que estas realizando Phivos,disculpa si entro poco es que no dispongo de mucho tiempo,te enviare fotos de tunez como te dije ,un abrazo y sigue asi amigo

  20. @ Katariina...THANK YOU! I'm glad you like my photos. Have a nice week :):)

    @ Sashindoubutsu... Thank you for the lovely compliments. I'm flattered that you enjoy my photos. I hope that you can make it to Greece one day. Have a great week!

    @ Eden...Thank you for the lovley compliments. I hope you have a nice week. :)

    @ Courture Carrie...Thank you so much for the wonderful compliments. Glad you enjoy my photos. Have a fantastic week.

    @ Tara...Thank you!!! Have a nice week.

    @ Marize... Thank you very much. Enjoy your week.

  21. I loved the photos on this post. Trully Salonica is really great!! Check out my blog about Santorini Island which I love, I am sure you will be seduced by the view from every single corner on Santorini.
