Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Cape Sounio, Greece

The Temple of Poseidon at Sounion

Snapshots by
Writes from Athens, Greece
View her website: Epea jf

Cape Sounio is located on the tip of the Attica Peninsula and is approximately 50 minutes from the Athens International Airport. Is 69 km (43 miles by road) south-east of Athens, at the southernmost tip of the Attica peninsula in Greece.

The temple Poseidon is of Doric style and was built in the 5th Century BC, supposedly on the location of an even older temple.

Cape Sounio is noted as the site of ruins of an ancient Greek temple of Poseidon the god of the sea in classical mythology. The remains are perched on the headland, surrounded on three sides by the sea.

The view is incredible. You can see the islands of Kea, Kythnos and clear over to the Peloponessos with ships and fishing boats passing by.

According to legend, Cape Sounion is the spot where Aegeus, king of Athens, leapt to his death off the cliff, thus giving his name to the Aegean Sea.

Cape Sounio has been recognized since prehistoric times as a special place of worship, and was an important sanctuary during the Greek Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic periods.

There are two sanctuaries present on the cape: the sanctuary of Poseidon and the sanctuary of Athena; two gods that were held in high esteem by the ancient Athenians. The ruins as we see them today are the result of the renovations that took place during the 5th century B.C., and replaced a succession of buildings that date back to the archaic period.

The marvelous Sounion sunset and, indeed, the Sounion ambiance as a whole, is a unique experience!

George Seferis (1901-1971), a major Greek poet and the 1961 Nobel Prize for Literature, wrote in his poem «On Aspalathoi …»
Sounion was lovely that spring day –
The Feast of the Annunciation.
Sparse green leaves around rust-colored stone.
Red earth, and aspalathoi
With their huge thorns and their yellow flowers
Already out.
In the distance the ancient columns, strings of a harp still vibrating

Ήταν ωραίο το Σούνιο τη μέρα εκείνη...
Λιγοστά πράσινα φύλλα γύρω στις σκουριασμένες πέτρες
το κόκκινο χώμα κι ασπάλαθοι
δείχνοντας έτοιμα τα μεγάλα τους βελόνια
και τους κίτρινους ανθούς.
Απόμακρα οι αρχαίες κολόνες, χορδές μιας άρπας αντηχούν
ακόμη ...
Γιώργος Σεφέρης

Γράφει η Ιωάννα
Από την Αθήνα
Δείτε την ιστοσελίδα της: Epea jf

Και το ασημένιο της θάλασσας και τ' ουρανού στην εσχατιά της Αττικής
Και το αρχαίο του Ναού του Ποσειδώνος... που μοιάζει να συνδέει Ουρανό, Γη και Θάλασσα
Και πόσο ταιριαστός ο περιβάλλων χώρος!

Οι πύλες ανοιχτές και το ανηφορικό πλακόστρωτο μας οδηγεί.. εκεί όπου οι αρχαίοι Έλληνες...
...λάτρευαν τον Ποσειδώνα...το Θεό της Θάλασσας.

Ο μεγαλόπρεπος ναός κτισμένος από μάρμαρο Αγριλέζας χτίστηκε στην κορυφή του βράχου, ενώ ίχνη του ναού της Σουνίας Αθηνάς σώζονται παραδίπλα σε χαμηλότερο λόφο.

Καβοκολόνες ονόμασαν το μέρος οι ναυτικοί. Απ' τις 34 ο χρόνος κράτησε μόνο τις 15... Ανυπότακτος ο βράχος στο ακρωτήρι του Σουνίου σαν πέτρινο καράβι μες τη θάλασσα συνδέεται απ' τη μυθολογία με τον τραγικό χαμό του Αιγέα.

Ο γιος του, Θησέας, εξόντωσε το Μινώταυροκαι έσωσε τους νέους και τις νεανίδες που προορίζονταν ως βορά, μα ξέχασε να ανεβάσει τα άσπρα πανιά στο καράβι, σημάδι της νίκης.
Κι ο πατέρας του γκρεμοτσακίστηκε και πνίγηκε.Αιγαίο ονομάστηκε το πέλαγος που ανοίγεται απ' το Σούνιο. Ήταν ωραίο το Σούνιο... Το καράβι θέλαμε ν' αγναντέψουμε, του Θησέα, που με 2010 ευχές φορτωμένο, ξεκίνησε πριν μερικές μέρες το νέο του ταξίδι...

Κι ο Θησέας, κάθε χρόνο παλεύει να σώσει τη Αθήνα απ’ το βαρύ φόρο που τρώει τα παιδιά της Τότε τα είχε καταφέρει… Τώρα ένα μόνο είναι σίγουρο… πως εξόντωσε και τον 2009ο Μινώταυρο κι έτσι το γκρεμοτσάκισμά μας απ’ τους βράχους του Σουνίου... αναβάλλεται!

View Video: Sounio


Cheryl said...

Hello, Phivos!

These photos of the Temple of Poseidon are so magical!

I'm glad that you had a good time traveling in Dresden, Germany.Love the palaces and the old buildings. They're spectacular! :)

Belated Happy New Year! :)

Βάσσια said...

Μάλιστα.... η πατρίδα μου!

Τι συγκινητικό να βλέπω το Σούνιο, δίπλα από το Λαύριο.
Στο Σούνιο υπάρχουν πολλές όμορφες παραλίες, σπηλιές και αρχαία στην ευρύτερη περιοχή.

Καλό βράδυ!
Και ευχαριστώ για την όμορφη παρουσίαση.


Nuheila said...

Beautiful pictures!!!
Kisses from Rabat!


jf said...

Ο Ταξιδιάρης έκανε πάλι το θαύμα του! Τον ευχαριστώ ιδιαιτέρως

MedaM said...

What a beautiful place with its wonderful monuments of ancient history, beautiful nature and lovely landscapes! Beautiful and interesting post!

Evie said...

Αγαπημένε μου Φοίβο, Ευτυχισμένος ο Καινούργιος Χρόνος. Το Σούνιο είναι ένα από τα αγαπημένα μου μέρη για θέα και φαγοπότι!

Cheryl said...

Gorgeous! I can't wait to plan a visit. All of the photos are fantastic!

evelina said...

η Ελλάδα μας έχει τα πιο υπέροχα μέρη και ον ανταστικότεο ήλιο Πολύ ωραία ανάρτηση Φοίβο

Trac~ said...

You're pictures are astounding as always, Philip! Thanks for sharing! Hope you had a great time with your friends eating Chinese! Big hugs! :o) said...

On Julie's and my first full day in Athens, before our tour started, we hired a cab driver to take us to the Temple of Sounion. Thank you very much for bringing back wonderful memories.

Lori said...

Those ancient structures are just amazing to me! I like to look at them and imagine what the people looked like walking through and around them. Great history. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

καταπληκτική δουλειά. καλή χρονιά να έχουμε

Rajesh said...

Beautiful snaps. In the glory days this temple would have been incredible piece of architecture.

jf said...


Many thanks to all of you who left their nice comments.

Cape Sounio is a very special place for its historical and mythological meaning; also for its wonderful sunset! Whenever you visit it, summer or winter, it offers you fantastic pictures.

Many thanks to Phivos for his nice hobby! He always travelled us all around the world almost every week! We are all fellow travelers on his trips…

Natassa said...

η πιο όμορφη γωνιά της χώρας! που την συνοδεύει μια συγκλονιστική ιστορία!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for stopping by and leaving a lovely comment

DUTA said...

I visited the place in the past and I even wrote a post on it.
Charming place, Cape Sounio, and I'm glad and proud to have been there.

Susan said...

gorgeous images!
I hope you are enjoying a fabulous day, dear friend.

Margie said...

Beautiful pictures!

Thank you for the visit while I was on break.

Happy New Year to you!

Shelly's Style Shop said...

I want to go there! Beautiful pictures. Oh...I hope one day my husband and I can travel the world!!!


Lisa Petrarca said...


I love the photos and history! Awe someday I will is a dream!

I hope all is well with you and your family. God Bless!

Absolutely Ladylike said...

Breathtakingly beautiful pictures...thanks for sharing!

Have a great weekend Phivos, cheers: Evi

Couture Carrie said...

Gorgeous post and pics!

Happy weekend!


Janie said...

Beautiful capture of the ancient ruins and surrounding scenery!

Mayte Llera (Dalianegra) said...

Hola, Phivos, siento no hablar griego y, como tú te expresas medianamente bien en español, lo hago en mi lengua materna. Preciosas fotos e interesantísima información sobre el Templo de Poseidón de Cabo Sunion. Siempre he tenido ganas de visitarlo y espero que, dentro de unos días, durante mi estancia en Atenas, me dé tiempo y sino, lo visitaré el próximo verano durante mi futuro tour por Grecia. Un beso fuerte, querido amigo chipriota.

Μαρια Νικολαου said...

Δακρύζω πάντα διαβαζοντας τετοια πράγματα.
Σ ευχαριστώ που το καταφερες αυτο
Καλό ΣΚ

Lynette Jacobs said...

Oh! My dream destination...I dream of a cruise amongst the Greek Islands and visiting all the historical places.

jf said...


Thank you for your comments!

Cape Sounio awaits everyone of you...

Joanna, from Athens

Anonymous said...

Terve rakas ystäväni!
I love these post again.You are good friend Phivos and interesting hear many peoples here your blog and travellings ofcourse too.Kiitos!

Ramakrishnan said...

Namaste Phillip

Fascinating account and photographs of Temple of Poseidon. Remembered a movie I saw long ago-"The Poseidon Adventure". Of course this had nothing to do with this ancient Temple.


Desire Fourie said...

Stunning photo journalism once again. TFS

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Hi everyone and many thanks to Ioanna for her excellent contribution and your kind comments.

Regina said...

Awesome captures of the classic, Parthenon design column, Gothic and modern architectural genius!
I love to see all these one day.

Thank you for sharing Phivos.
Have a great week.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Regina. Thank you so much my dear friend. I wish you by heart to see all these one day by yourself and I would love to be your tour guide! Kisses.

Elisangela Web Marketing said...

It's very very beautiful!!!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Elisangela Web Design. Thank you so much my dear and welcome. Hope you can travel with us from time to time. Your blog is gorgeous!

Ju Santos - Fotógrafa said...

Olá, aqui estou. Amoooo viajar, o que me falta, são dólares .... kkkkkkk Agradecida por suas visita e pelo carinho de sempre. JU.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Ju Santos - Fotógrafa. Muito obrigado meu caro amiga JU. Eu aprecio suas palavras doces. Beijos

Anonymous said...

wow great photos! im goin to be in athens this summer, u say the sounio cape is only about an hour from the airport, is that near the city center? im going to be staying in the plaka and would love to include this sight in my plans. i have been searching the net and have found a pretty cool site on athens and they have info on all sort of sights and museums!

Sudhir R said...

Greek Mythology and architecture has alwasys caught my imaginatiom. To see the photos of Poseidon, I feel great. your photographs are absolutely beautifuly and so is your concept of life. Thanks