Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tibet and Nepal, Asia

Mayte Dalianegra

Writes from Spain

View her website: El blog de Mayte Dalianegra

Photographs by Rafael Marinez
As an introduction, I woul say that the journey is one of my greatest passions. I spend most of my free time to sort out our photos and videos from my last trip and preparing the next one.

This passion is always in my mind with indelible memories, and the thrill of discovering new beautiful, heavenly places.

This passion is always in my mind together with indelible memories, and the thrill of discovering new beautiful, heavenly places.

I could write for some of the most popular destinations in the world I have visited. But, I would like now to write on places less known, perhaps, with the intention to promote them as much as I can.

Near the borders of Tibet and Nepal, is located the small town of Zhangmu, in an area called the "foot of the Himalayas. Τhis trek is dedicated to this place and its surroundings.

We stayed twenty days in Tibet, which is rightly known as the roof of the world, as is the place on Earth where human beings, by puting their feet of the ground, they feel closer to heaven.

Waves of pilgrims both from Tibet, and believers from the rest of Asia try to reach Lhasa the holy city of Buddhism.

Some Western travelers join the crowds around the city, its squares and temples, always following the ritual clockwise.

Sometimes tourists violate this sacred principle, which is locally considered as a serious and punishable only by an oblique glances and a little nod.

We left Lhasa in the south, following the route of the four major holy monastic sites: Kagyupa, Sakyapa, Kadampa and Gelugpa, (the latter is the larges, as it hosts Dalai Lama).

We visited some of the monasteries in the area, as the Tsedang, Chongye Valley, Yarlung Valley, Gyantse, Xigatsé, Lhatsé and others. The landscape view is rewarding.

The scenery of Himalayan mountain range and Mount Everest on the top, as well as the enchanting Lake, Yamdrok with its crystal blue waters, is breathtaking.

We approached the area near the border with Nepal, after we had traveled many miles through the "Road of Friendship".

Passing the rich valley of the river Bhote, we had great views from hilltops that capture the greatest Himalayan peaks.

We went through pine forests and enjoy the Himalayan fresh air.

I remember, I spent all my time with my cheek stucked on the window, admiring the landscape of indescribable beauty.

From the town of Tingri was visible in the south, some of the peaks of the Himalayas, near where we had the great fortune to be. On top of Mount Everest are Tibetans respect as the "Mother of the Universe", which is known to be the highest in the world.

From the city ofZhangmu, approaching the border with Nepal, landscape and climate change was so terrible, I could not believe it.

Mother Earth in all her glory... and the sky, close, protective, so pure ... painted blue and streaked with white fluffy clouds, the dream which caused my imagination. I argue that the panoramic view was absolutely apotheosis.

From the hill we see the famous city of Kathmandu. Located in a valley dominated by the Himalayas.

Mayte Dalianegra
Γράφει από την Ισπανία
Δείτε το ιστολόγιό της: El blog de Mayte Dalianegra
Φωτογραφίες από τον Rafael Martinez

Ως εισαγωγή, θα πω ότι τα ταξίδια είναι από τα μεγαλύτερα πάθη μου. Περνώ το μεγαλύτερο μέρος από τον ελεύθερο χρόνο μου, για να ταξινομώ τις φωτογραφίες και τα βίντεο από το τελευταίο μου ταξίδι και την προετοιμασία του επόμενου. Η δραστηριότητα αυτή γυροφέρνει στο μυαλό μου με ανεξίτηλα ίχνη αναμνήσεων, αλλά και τη συγκίνηση της ανακάλυψης νέων πανέμορφων παραδεισένιων τόπων.

Θα μπορούσα να γράφω για μερικούς από τους πιο δημοφιλείς προορισμούς που έχω επισκεφθεί. Αλλά πριν επιλέξω να το κάνω αυτό, θα ασχοληθώ με τόπους, λιγότερο γνωστούς, ίσως, με την πρόθεση να τους προβάλω όσο μπορώ.

Κοντά στα σύνορά του Θιβέτ και του Νεπάλ, βρίσκεται η μικρή πόλη του Ζαγκμού, στα σύνορα μεταξύ νότιου Θιβέτ και ανατολικού Νεπάλ, σε μια περιοχή που ονομάζεται το «πόδι των Ιμαλαΐων». Σ’ αυτό το χώρο και τις γύρω περιοχές είναι αφιερωμένο αυτό το οδοιπορικό.

Μείναμε είκοσι ημέρες στο Θιβέτ, που δίκαια είναι γνωστό, ως η στέγη του κόσμου, γιατί είναι ο τόπος στη Γη, όπου οι άνθρωποι, πατώντας τα πόδια τους στο έδαφος, νιώθουν πιο κοντά στον ουρανό.

Κύματα προσκυνητών τόσο Θεβετιανών, όσο και πιστών από την υπόλοιπη Ασία φθάνουν συνεχώς στη Λάσα, την ιερή πόλη του Βουδισμού. Στριμωγμένοι σε φορτηγά και ξεχαρβαλωμένα λεωφορεία ή ακόμα και πεζοί, κάνοντας μετάνοιες και τώρα τελευταία με άλλα πολυτελή μέσα ένεκα της οικονομικής βελτίωσης του επίπεδου ζωής.

Ορισμένες δυτικοί ταξιδιώτες σμίγουν με το ανθρώπινο πλήθος που περιβάλλει την πόλη, στις πλατείες και στους ναούς, ακολουθώντας πάντα το τελετουργικό δεξιόστροφα. Ορισμένες φορές οι τουρίστες παραβιάζουν αυτόν τον ιερό κανόνα, ο οποίος τοπικά θεωρείται ως σοβαρή και τιμωρείται μόνο με τις λοξές ματιές και ένα μικρό νεύμα.

Αφήσαμε τη Λάσα στα νότια, μετά τη διαδρομή σε τέσσεαρα μεγάλα ιερά μοναστήρια: Kagyupa, Sakyapa, Kadampa και Gelugpa, (το τελευταίο είναι το μεγαλύτερο, δεδομένου ότι είναι του Δαλάι Λάμα). Φθάσαμε στο Κατμαντού, την πρωτεύουσα του Νεπάλ.

View Video: Tibet of China: a mysterious place


Mayte Llera (Dalianegra) said...

Thank you very much, dear Phivos. ¡Wow!!! It's a big job made for you: many photos, translate into english...much job! My congratulations and my gratitude. Many kisses!

Shionge said...

Absolutely magnificent and yes Nepal, Tibet & Bhutan has always been on my mind/places to visit someday.

Just last weekend, we have a document on TV about the Monarchies of Asia and Bhutan was featured :)

Thank you Phivos :D

islandgirl4ever2 said...

Hi Mayte,

Your pictures are absolutely stunning the ones of the mountain views are breathtaking!!! It looks like you had a fabulous time there... Thanks so much for sharing you r pictures with us...

Anastasia said...

What an exciting trip this must have been! The photos are gorgeous!

evelina said...

Καλημέρα....Από τα μέρη που θα ήθελα να επισκευτω όσο τιποτα άλλο νάσαι καλά Φοίβο με τις υπέροχες αναρτήσεις σου που μας ταξιδεύεις

Cheryl said...

What an incredible post. All of the photos are interesting, well composed & beautiful. A truly invigorating experience. My neighbor from the U.S. is there right now & sharing her adventure with frequent updates does look amazing.

Anonymous said...

Mayte, your journeys are so exciting. I loved your pictures and will come visit your blog to see more of your trips.

Phivos, thanks for sharing Mayte with us!

jf said...

Δε ξέρω αν θα αξιωθώ να πατήσω άλλη Ήπειρο και τόσο μακριά! Τουλάχιστον ας ταξιδέψω νοερά...

Leif Hagen said...

WOW! Those are magnificent photos - especially of Tibet! What an amazing adventure!

Marize Camara said...

Oi querido Felipe, bom dia!

Espetacular postagem sobre o Tibet e Nepal, como sempre você capricha, parabéns!
Beijos e um lindo dia para você!

Couture Carrie said...

Stunning post!
Such a gorgeous landscape!


Anonymous said...

Amazing.Thank you dear friend,Phivos this!I have got good feelings watchin this post pictures =)

All wondeful I hope you life!Hug.

Debbie Petras said...

Wow; an area of the world I've never been. I had no idea of the beauty of the Himalayas and I love the forest photos. Simply beautiful!

Thank you for sharing!


Ann said...

these simply take my breath away !

Λεμέσια said...

Αυτό κι αν είναι ταξίδι...
Δύο χώρες με σπάνιο πλούτο φύσης και πολιτισμού...

Luca and Sabrina said...

Caro Phivos, queste immagini sono da mozzare il fiato, il cielo, le nuvole, i paesaggi, quei palazzi da favola, complimenti per questo bellissimo post, sei sempre fantastico ed è bello fare il giro del mondo con te!
Un abbraccio fortissimo

eden said...

Wow, what an exciting trip! Your photos are all beautiful as always. Even if I haven't been there but I feel that I had visited the place. thank you so much for taking us there. I am sure you and your company had a great time there.

Margie said...

Amazing photos!
I'd love to visit here there, maybe I will someday.

Margie :)

Pedro F. Báez said...

My friend Leesa from France send me the link for this site to see the pics and I am very glad that she did! The photos are beautiful and so telling and so enticing in motivating one to seek more knowledge and information about this fascinating region of the world, its people and its cultures. Thank you Leesa and thank you to those who took and posted the pictures. I enjoyed them very much. Hugs.

Helena (Gvendalen) said...

Hi Phivos! This is adorable excursion. Tibet and Nepal is very interesting. Thank you, my friend.

Anestis Ketsetzidis said...

Αυτό είναι εντυπωσιακό ταξίδι!

Regina Laurel said...

Awesome Tibet.

Gutsy Living said...

Once again, you've captured the essence and flavor of a new country to me.

S.. Diva said...

your blog is totally captivating.. i loved it..
btw i blog a bit at

i'd love to do a guest post for you and i'd love it if you can do a guest post for me
