Outstanding natural beauty
Renos Nicolaides
Writes from Nicosia, Cyprus
Troodos is the biggest mountain range of Cyprus, located in the center of the island. Its highest peak is Mount Olymbus at 1,952 meters. The geology of the area has a great scientific importance. The internationally known ophiolite complex of Troodos is one of only a few in the world lending themselves to specialized scientific research and, particularly, the understanding of the formation of the ocean crust.

Writes from Nicosia, Cyprus
Troodos is the biggest mountain range of Cyprus, located in the center of the island. Its highest peak is Mount Olymbus at 1,952 meters. The geology of the area has a great scientific importance. The internationally known ophiolite complex of Troodos is one of only a few in the world lending themselves to specialized scientific research and, particularly, the understanding of the formation of the ocean crust.
Today Troodos is considered to be the best preserved and the most systematically studied ophiolite complex in the world.

JamanFou. Ιωάννα, να μην ζηλεύεις καθόλου. Τον δρόμο τον ξέρεις αρκετά καλά...
I guess I never thought of snow with Cyprus. I think of beaches. But in the higher altitudes I'm sure that's so. Very beautiful!
Εκπληκτικές εικόνες!!!
I never thought of Cyprus with snow before either. It is stunning, such a lovely place to visit. Great post, really enjoyed looking at your photos.
I join the club of the surprised about snow in Cyprus!! Very beautiful.
Debbie.Is not only you who think of Cyprus only with beaches. All our American friends who visited Cyprus were gladly surprised by the contrast of the place!
Δέσποινα μου, σ΄ευχαριστώ. Θα μας ταξιδέψεις κι εσύ από βδομάδας!
Anne in Oxfordshire. I guess so. It's worth visiting this place even once in your life time, if you have the chance! Thank you Anne for your generous comment.
Presbyterian Gal. Hi L.J. be sure that Cyprus is full of surprises. This is not the only one!! Thank you.
i have a friend in cyprus but i never knew that it's that beautiful!
The Dong. Your friend might live in Cyprus, but it seems he is somewhere else!!! In which town is he staying?
oh wow the sight of snow like icing from those trees is just amazing! i want to have a white christmas! LOL
Prinsesamusang. You are welcome to visit us in Cyprus during winter time!
thanks for this amazing post - looks like alaska goes visiting everywhere, even the hottest mediterranean countries in the world!
Mediterranean kiwi. Snows everywhere up on the mountains, where they belog!!!
Οικογενειακώς ταξιάρηδες είσαστε!.. Πολύ καλές φωτό!!
Και το σκυλάκι επίσης πολύ όμορφο!
Roadartist. Μαίρη έτσι έχουν να πούνε!! Ο Μπάτι είναι κούκλος!!
Hello Buddy,
I'm Sabita from nepal. best regards to all the family. Namaskar
Hi Sabita, Namaste!
Thank you, DHANYABAAD, best regards to you and your family in Kathmandu, Nepal!!
Wow--you have snow!! Who knew. Looks like what's happening outside my window right this minute. Unfortunately, I can't ski through it. The new family member looks like he's enjoying the cold as well. How fun.
Kim thank you for your kind comment. May I ask you how is the planning of your trip to Cyprus? It's the only way to get full information on the island! Our new family member, cute-Buddy is adorable. Renos is enjoying his weekend again, up to the Troodos mountains with Buddy of course and their friends!
Snoz in such strange places ... Marseilles had 30 cm of snow last week, and Barcelona ... and it's so so cold in Paris ...enjoy the whitness.
A World in a PAN. Thank you Laura for your comment, including the useful information.
I had no idea, that there was snow on cyprus!!! Wow!!! and nice to see your son, Phillip!
beautiful post and very informative!
Sarah Sofia Ganborg. Cyprus has four seasons and up on the mountains, 75 minutes from the centre there are hills on which there is show every winter.
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