My photographs from a very rushed few hours in France
Snapshots by Sharon McPherson
Writes from: Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom
View her website: Bookish Blonde
I am a published writer and small-time book publisher. I was born in Dundee, Scotland. I like tea from a pot, flea markets, breathtaking photos, scrolling the Etsy online shops, the smell of a new hardback book and the way it creaks when you open it, dressing up and dressing down. I am a horse lover. I own four pets. I am writing a modern urban satire.
Inside the Centre Pompidou in Paris. Contemporary Art, won the 'Best Entry' in a club competition at Dundee Photography Society in 2001.
Smaller leisure boats, Port Grimaud, France.
There is a stranger at the door! A St Tropez doorway.
Typically French picture postcard views (above and below) Port Grimaud. Simple and elegant.
More very rushed photographs from my two hours of free time in France: Immaculate. I have started to redecorate the exterior of my flat since I returned from my holiday. Funny that?
Decisions! Decisions! I picked up a new bikini from an open air boutique in Port Grimaud.
Cafe: It is 3pm, Port Grimaud. Where is everyone - siesta?
St Tropez: A secluded cove.

I turned a corner and there she was, I know she lives near St Tropez ... Brigitte Bardot.
Αχ Γαλλία μου γλυκιά
Της Sharon McPherson
Γράφει από: Dundee, Σκωτία, Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο
Δείτε την Ιστοσελίδα της: Bookish Blonde
Φωτογραφίες από το πασίγνωστο, κοσμικό Σεντ Ντροπέζ στη Νότια Γαλλία.
Γραφικά σπίτια πνιγμένα στους κήπους και τις μυρωδιές της Μεσογείου.
Τόπος γεμάτος χρώματα και φως.