Saturday, June 28, 2008

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dog walker (Paseadores de perros)

Like many other cities in the world, Buenos Airesa is full of dogs. Pets in Argentina are considered an important part of the family. Dogs seem to enjoy many privileges in Buenos Aires. Nowhere else I saw the specially trained dog walkers (pasea perros), taking them for strolls. Usually they handle 15-20 dogs simultaneously.

This isn’t an easy job. The dog walkers, usually youngsters, have to be very careful with the dogs, very caring, to know the name of each dog, to avoid fights and to trained them to follow their instructions. For all these, they get good paid!

Στην πρωτεύουσα του τάγκο

Η ψυχαγωγία κατοικιδίων για μερικούς πορτένιος (έτσι αποκαλούνται οι κάτοικοι του Μπουένος Άιρες) είναι επάγγελμα. Οι άνθρωποι (συνήθως φοιτητές) που βλεπετε στις φωτογραφίες, την ίδια πάντα ώρα, δυο φορές την ημέρα παραλαμβάνουν
τους σκύλους από τα ευκατάστατα σπίτια τους για την απαραίτητη αναζωογονητική εξόρμηση. Όσοι από τους τετράποδους αριστοκράτες παραφερθούν, την επομένη θα χάσουν μια μέρα τρελού παιγνιδιού στο πάρκο. Γι' αυτό και τα συμπαθητικά αυτά
τετράποδα είναι ιδιαίτερα προσεκτικά, πειθαχημένα και κοινωνικά...

Το κόστος της καθημερινής αυτής βόλτας ανέρχεται γύρω στις 30 λίρες το μήνα. Να σημειωθεί ότι οι επαγγελματίες αυτοί "ψυχαγωγοί σκύλων" έχουν συνασπιστεί και σε συντεχνία.


Don't cry for me Argentina


Phivos Nicolaides said...

Paris parfait. Thank you Tara. Yes, you are right regarding the number of the dogs! Have in mind that Buenos Aires is called 'Paris of the South America'.
My new post will be on Buenos Aires!

Anonymous said...

να ένα καινούργιο επάγγελμα που βλέπω να ανθήζει σιγά σιγά και στην Ελλάδα

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Και στην Ελλάδα και στην Κύπρο. Πάντως για να είμαστε ειλικρινείς δεν είναι και εύκολο.

Maria Verivaki said...

what a job - 2 kids are a handful, what can i say about 10 dogs?!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Mediterranean kiwi hi. The job is good and well paid. Have also in mind that dogs are obedient animals.

Kim said...

You have not met my dog. Not so well behaved but loved like the family member that she is. And I, like paris parfait have Buenos Aries on my list of places to go as well.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

There is a possibility to change your dog's attitute, by promising her, that you are taking her with you to Buenos Aires!

ipanema said...

loads of dogs! looks like they like the walk. :)

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Ipanema hi. You should see their faces, how joyful are!

Cheryl said...

I love the dog walkers! I think that I may have to promise Gigi a trip to Argentina as well.
I love the videos and the music-as usual. I've always admired Argentina. Thanks for sharing.

Laura in Paris said...

Very true, when I was in Argentina and Uruguay last may I saw the dog walkers walking a bunch of dogs - all getting alos very well.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Cheryl yia sou,
Dog walkers are special and valuable workers in Argentina! Thank you for your kind words as always.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

World in pan. Thank you Laura. The first time I saw the dog walkers in Buenos Aires, I was really surprised a lot and I was running after them to get a picture!!!